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LED Light Therapy Bed

Our skin has the unique ability to absorb light and convert it to energy, which is great for regenerating cells and building new proteins. As we all know, the absorption of too much sunlight damages our skin. Enter LED light therapy, which delivers the advantages of light absorption without the damaging UV rays.

LED light therapy has an established history of skin uses. NASA originally developed it for plant growth experiments on shuttle missions and later found it to have promise for wound treatment. When astronauts go out into space, their cells stop multiplying because there’s no gravity, there’s no sunlight, no oxygen, so if they got a cut or a bruise, it wouldn’t heal. They needed to create something that would help their cell regeneration, so if there was an issue, their body could heal. So, LED was created for astronauts and then the health industry got a hold of it and started doing incredible treatments, and then of course the beauty industry got a hold of it and started doing treatments. Currently, celebrities the likes of Chrissy Teigen, Kim Kardashian and Kate Hudson are popularizing light therapy with their dramatic results and passionate reviews.

LED light therapy cell regeneration benefits:

RED LIGHT - regenerates skin cells, stimulates collagen proteins, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improves blood circulation, reduce inflammation

BLUE LIGHT - treats acne and sun spots, inhibits sebaceous glands, improves skin texture, diminishes acne scars, treats enlarged oil glands, improves depression

GREEN LIGHT - decreases melanin and production, whitens skin, decreases age spots and freckles, reduces pigmentation, reduces spider veins

YELLOW LIGHT - stimulates production of red blood cells, reduces appearance of tiny blood vessels on skin, boosts lymphatic flow, increases cellular growth

One session a week, over an initial period of 6-10 weeks, is recommended. Followed by a minimum of once a month for maintenance. Better results are found with more treatments, but results are long-lasting and can continue for weeks after the final treatment.

1 session - $125
6 session package - $600
10 session package - $900​
